


公元前229年,秦国攻占了楚国八座城池,接着又派使臣请楚怀王去秦国议和。屈原看破了秦王的阴谋,冒死进宫陈述利害,楚怀王不但不听,反而将屈原逐出郢都[楚国的都城]。 楚怀王如期赴会,一到秦国就被囚禁起来,楚怀王悔恨交加,忧郁成疾,三年后客死于秦国。楚顷衰王即位不久,秦王又派兵攻打楚国,顷衰王仓惶撤离京城,秦兵 攻占郢城。屈原在流放途中,接连听到楚怀王客死和郢城攻破的噩耗后,万念俱灰,仰天长叹一声,投入了滚滚激流的汩罗江。

江 上的渔夫和岸上的百姓,听说屈原大夫投江自尽,都纷纷来到江上,奋力打捞屈原的尸体,并拿来了粽子、鸡蛋投入江中,还把雄黄酒倒入江中,以便药昏蛟龙水 兽,使屈原大夫尸体免遭伤害。从此,每年五月初五屈原投江殉难日,楚国人民都到江上划龙舟,投粽子,以此来纪念伟大的爱国诗人,端午节的风俗就这样流传下 来。

So have you eaten it yet?
Let me share some with ya all :)


Haiz ~
Haiz ~~
Haiz ~~~
Haiz ~~~~
Haiz ~~~~~
Haiz ~~~~~~
Haiz ~~~~~~~
Haiz ~~~~~~~~
Haiz ~~~~~~~~~
How could it be ?? huh ?? haiz ~


OMG !!! Exam is over and I'm totally out from the stress period * Actually from the day exam starts till it ends , I din't felt stress at all =p * Haha ...
Well , This morning it was a cool day and I'm sitting under the fan ... Woah , it was so cold man ~ Are you trying to ask me did I sleep ? haha , of course I do since the weather so cool ... But i just sleep for half an hour and wake up continue my paper anyway Do SHE feel cold ? Hmm ~
For those who are still taking exam , Gambateh yeah :)
Actually for me exam still not ends up lar , coz I'm taking undang test tomorrow ... Haiz hopefully can pass it ~

Finally watched Twilight this movie , it was so so so nice and so so so touching ... Am I too late to watch it ? Anyway however its late , but at least i watched it !! :)
I remembered a taxi driver uncle , he asked me and my friend watch it ... but that time I replied him , Yeah I'm going watch it at home later ... Until today i just watch it xD
If there's part 2 , I'm gonna watch it :)

That's all for today ...
Gotta ready up for tuition :S
And when back home gotta ready up for tomorrow , haiz ~
See ya ...
Miss Ya ...


Yeah , I'm so so so disappointed with you ... YUP THAT'S YOU !!
What's wrong with you ? Its so child you know ?
Sigh ... None of us leaving you also , but you ? wants to be a lonely hero or whatever huh ?
Everyone is trying to pull back our relationship back as before , duh ~ you ? did you ? DID YOU ?
If you says that we never think for you , but did you ever stand our side to think ?
Stand back up la ~ !!

What i can said that's from that night start till now everything changes slowly ...

Mother's Eight Lies

Concern and sacrifice hold up a mother’s love at all times.
I WAS born the son of a poor family, which often lacked food. Whenever it came time to eat, mother would give me her portion of rice.
As she placed her share into my bowl, she would say, “Eat this, son. I’m not hungry.”
That was mother’s first lie.

When I was growing up, mother spent her spare time fishing in a river near our house. She hoped that what she caught would give me a bit more nutrition.
She would cook the fish in a soup, which gave me a good appetite. As I ate, mother would sit beside me and pick the remaining bits of flesh on the bone.
When I tried to give her some of the fish, she refused and said, “You eat it. I don’t really like fish.”
That was mother’s second lie.

When I was in junior high school, to fund my studies, mother brought back used matches boxes which she would stick together. It earned her some money to cover our needs.
Whenever I woke from my sleep during the winter nights, she’d still be awake, working on the little boxes in the dim candlelight.
I used to tell her, “Mother, go to sleep, it’s late. Tomorrow morning you still have to go to work.”
Mother would smile and say, “Go back to sleep, dear. I’m not tired.”
That was her third lie.

During my final exam, mother asked for a leave from work to accompany me to school.
The sun was shining and the day was hot but she waited for me for several hours.
As soon as the bell rang, mother immediately rushed to pour me a cold glass of tea that she had brought in a bottle.
The tea was thick, but not as thick as my mother’s love. Seeing her covered with perspiration, I gave her my glass and asked her to drink too.
Mother said, “Drink, son. I’m not thirsty!”
That was her fourth lie.

My father fell ill and died, and poor mother had to take on the role of a single parent. She held on to her job but our family’s financial situation got worse.
A nice uncle who lived nearby came to our help.
Our neighbours often advised my mother to marry again. But mother was stubborn and didn’t care for their advice.
She told them, “I don’t need love.”
That was her fifth lie.

I completed my studies and got a job and soon, it was the time for my mother to retire. But she didn’t want to. Every morning, she headed for the marketplace to sell some vegetables and earn money for her needs.
I worked in the other city and often sent her some money, but she would not accept it. She even sent the money back to me, saying, “I have enough money.”
That was mother’s sixth lie.

A company then offered me a scholarship to do my master’s at a prestigious university in the United States. After getting that degree, I was hired by the company and paid quite a high salary.
I wanted to take mother to America, so she could enjoy her old age. But she didn’t want to bother her son. She said to me, “I’m not used to life there.”
That was her seventh lie.

Mother grew old, got cancer and had to be hospitalised. I, who lived across the oceans, came home to visit her.
Mother looked so weak as she gazed at me in a yearning way. She tried to put on a smile but it looked stiff. It was clear that the disease had broken her body.
Tears flowed down my face as I stared at her. My heart hurt so much to see her like that. But mother, with strength in her voice, said, “Don’t cry, my son. I’m not in pain.”
That was her eight lie.

After saying that, she closed her eyes forever!

P/S: Death is inevitable and maybe if we stop and think about death once in a while, we would appreciate life better. Cheers. ^^

Is this Funny ?

Today recess , Me and my friends went to canteen together then no longer our BM teacher * not teaching us anymore * pass by then my friend talked to her and she say bodoh !! During that moment there was a Indian boy standing right beside her , the boy tough teacher saying him ... Then he replied Apa bodoh ? The teacher replied him , bukan awak lar and just walk away ~
Hahahaha ...
During that moment my friend and I just lol-ing :X

Well , that's it for today ... Gtg sleep , tired =/
Night ~
Miss ~~~~
Her ~~~~~

耶稣 Part One

Why I write 耶稣 as my topic ? Well , first of all have to say sorry to those who are christian first yeah :)
Okay , Today I went to listen Undang For 5 hours That's why I called it 耶稣 ... However its bored among this 5 hours but luckily my teacher is quite silly ... He did jokes with us all the way long until the end So I don't feel as bored as what my friend said :D
And And And There's a guy who sitting beside me , when he laugh his sound just like demon laughing , Ewwww ~ Sometimes when whole class not laughing at all , he's the only one who laugh at there >_<
Lastly our teacher asked who wants to buy the practise CD , at first he said RM5 for each then another teacher came in , and he asked who wants to buy ? RM 10 for each .... Woo Then , The first teacher says No lar , I give them discount For RM 5 only ... * I already knew what's happening $_$ * Shhhhh ~

Well , That's all for part one :)
Part 2 Coming Soon ...
Duh , 6 hours >_<

Faces ?

Well , Now I only realize that not only love that change everything ...
Even Faces can change everything ....
Haiz , Is this Good or it is bad? * I'm wondering *
Never though that this will happen around me , But It really do ...

Faces changes changes everything , faces makes you ...
And Yet love changes changes everything , love makes you fly ~

God , Are you fooling me? >_<